Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Come What May

Let the story continue... for it might end as a beautiful piece of composition life can ever have. Yes, it never lies. The external layer may disguise it well but the internal part of it is ever transparent.  

August. What can I say about it after having living for almost ten days of it? Well today wasn't exactly fantastic. I was emotionally excited for only a small portion of the day. Then it went spiraling down just like that. Bam! Bad thing is I started carrying that side of that emotion with me to where I shouldn't have. Work explains it. The nature of it serves to elaborate my situation. Jab-bah-ruh-blu. Hope you read and said that fast enough. Young minds... and character... plus attitude that hasn't gone far from the starting line.  All that with a complete consecutive five days count virtually every week. I've gone perhaps half of the line but still have a long way to go.

I ask myself a string of questions which makes me not much different from others. What can be done to make things different from the usual? I want a change for the better - for myself as a person and for them which I have a love-hate feeling for. Solutions come when you don't avoid what you encounter. You're drawn to the root of the problem when there's maturity of the mind and emotion. 

It's all a matter of choice, and today, it's quite obvious I didn't make the right one - all because I simply chose not to.

May tomorrow be a day where I make a better set of choices. 

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