Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh Dear Dentist ~

The fourth of November brings me to a date with my dentist. I'm dreading the needle and all the utensils that will be used to extract that tooth. Not just any tooth. It's the wisdom tooth. And just why did someone had to put 'wisdom' in front of the tooth? Because it only pops out  of our gums as our age matures?

Speaking of age, I'm counting my days. Of what you might ask... adalah (just something). "Haro no"...that's how it's said in my mother tongue. Yes, I'm forever improving. Wish I could speak the language like water flowing out my mouth. Haha.

I need to eat. Fast. Dad's fetching me soon. Hehe. 

Oh dear Lady Dentist,
Please be gentle as you cut through 
the inner flesh of my mouth,
I already feel sick just thinking 
of how all that extracting will be done,
Forgive me for being such a child,
Kids say it as 'scaredy-cat',
Yeah... in a big sense...
I guess I really am.

2 left footprints:

jc said...

The business card for a dentist I plan to start going to says: we cater to cowards...I hope your experience with getting your wisdom teeth out isn't too bad.

Lorena said...

Funny but true of what is said on that card. wasn't too bad.