Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sense Made Perfect

I'm gonna take a break from all the picture posting for today. I'll leave it solely to the words to do the job of telling ;)

As I was washing myself up earlier this morning, a thought struck me about how we humans communicate with one another.

The big question mark: Why is it so that we grown-ups or adults (I might use the two interchangeably here) have to use the big words when it comes to communicating with each other?

See, the thing is, kids don't need all that big load of words. What they need (or so it rightly seems) is simply the simple smaller words. And the little wonder that they create is they can communicate perfectly with their little friends. Even with their bigger friends. We.. the grown-ups.

Why do we need the big words anyway? Is it so that we can run our daily businesses successfully? Or so we won't be left behind? Is it to show that we are the one with the bigger brains? So we could get to Harvard? Or be the prime minister? Or perhaps be elected as the next running president of America?

I mean no offense to anyone of you out there. I don't have anyone specifically in mind. Cause in my right human mind, it is only normal for us adults to use those words. You know how it works.. we get bigger with our words (and sometimes bossier) as we get bigger with the figure every year. And it is only normal that kids use the smaller words (up to a certain age, of course). They still have a lot of learning to do anyway.

But still, in the back of my mind, there's still the thought, "Kids.. and out of their innocent simplicity of words, they create a world of their own 'perfect sense'.

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