Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Cuti Peristiwa"

I'm not quite sure how to translate the above. Maybe I do know but the right word/term/phrase/etc isn't exactly tapping in right now. Mind helping out, anyone?

I can simply put it this way though: Today no class. Just for today - of which of course you know (said with special alto emphasis) how that makes me feel.

Yesterday had sports day. Field wasn't in the best of condition due to the heavy showers in the afternoons [I'm telling you those showers have been going on every day lately - an overdose of blessings. Yes, welcome to Sabah - Land Below The Wind]. So today, we be nice, give a one-day-break to those school kids. Handful of them showed up by the way. Who ask..not stay back yesterday.

Bought myself a doughnut at Nishigori's on my way the school 'course. Just yesterday I bought two. Seems like I still can't get enough of it. Heheh. Throw me a splashing generous amount of those barred "S--es" (money lah i mean) and I might actually franchise on this sweet treat of mine. *engaged in suppressed laughter now*

There's a few random things hovering in tamed circles around my head this second. Have been to be truthful. Save them for later.

Thank goodness for this space.

0 left footprints: