Monday, February 2, 2009

Beyond My Usual

Those eyes that darted towards my direction this morning was one of the most venomous spitting glare I have ever come across in my entire two decades plus of breath and life. Even the worst of my enemies, cannot compare to such intensity.

I kid you not.

Two, three times, or a little more than that, I saw them looking at me. If it wasn't me who looked first, it was my peripheral vision that told me so - they were looking. Loathe, malice, repugnance - and all the other synonyms for each of the three - were all very vivid and real. I felt numb with a fear that was novel to me. You ask me whether I ever want to meet those eyes again?

Hell no.

Because it is as pure as hell to the roots. I'm telling you.. don't mess around with the devil. Ever. Once you're in, it's hard to break out.

By the way, I'm not even sure whether it was a good idea of me putting up this entry. Whatever it is, the virtual author choses what to tell and what not.

2 left footprints:

daronloo said...

Who is this
that possesses the "spitting glare"

Lorena said...

Got cerita but cannot kasi cerita secara terperinci here. Later la I tell u..Eeehh..seriously, it gives me goosebumps even in the house.