Friday, August 21, 2009

Sweep Me Off The Floor ~

I should have. But anyway, I got my turn. Tell the other to stay aside. Hmm... I'm guessing you won't even if you could.

Don't you just love Fridays? I do. Maybe not all the time, but at least this time, I'm loving today despite what happened earlier.

Vegetarian meat. Mom wants me to get that plus a few other stuffs (just got a call from her). I'll have to keep that in mind. It's been awhile since I've been home with my folks. This will be good having dinner with them tonight, and breakfast with them tomorrow - on a Sabbath.

I'm guessing, I'll be all rejuvenated and will be looking forward to the start of the new week after Saturday's over. I won't mind having to show myself at work during the week long mid-semester break. I've got what I wanted.. a taste of home.

2 left footprints:

daronloo said...

yes, i miss home and my parents' company too :)

Lorena said...

you'll be home soon enough, daron! :)