Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who's to Blame?

Some days, you learn a lot. Other days, things just seem pretty idle. Today, I, became a student.

There was something about today, at one particular point, that gave me an impression that people were pointing fingers at others. At first, the voices came forward as suggestions, subtle in appearance. Later, and gradually, I noticed tension building up, where you could feel some kind of tightness in the atmosphere leading to this: I got caught in the vibe as well. Who would have known that today would be the day someone was going to speak up? I did, so did everyone else... but time created the gap. Now, the kind of voice I'm talking of, was the one that got others to start nodding their heads in anticipation. Well, it's about time someone put a foot down. It will remain buried, silent, until and unless that voice is projected.
S p e a k... that's the word.

Input from others will only come useful when thought and application, or change, is implemented. And, unless that is done, everything will be virtually vain, if not completely. Where is the action, people?

Speaking of action, we've all got our shortcomings. We weren't born perfect, else if we were, the world wouldn't go and grow so wrong as it is today. I wouldn't be completely wrong to say that we should face our personal mirror from time to time. I'm not attempting to play god here. It's simply my turn to get that voice projected, but differently. Obviously.

A lesson of the past that is strikingly clear right now goes, "When you point at others, remember, three fingers are pointing back at you." And, slipping in a slight modification to that, I'm putting it, "Point a finger at someone. An opposing three, points straight back at you with one being the neutral base - your thumb. That thumb is for you to think whether that solo finger can defend itself against the trio. If not, then there is definitely a flaw in you that you must first fix."

The conclusion of it all, was the most interesting part of all: "Put God to the test." How can I not agree, when He is, after all, the Creator - the engineer who understands the manner in which all things work.

We rely too much on our own strength and intellect. Secular influence has a lot to do with it. We struggle, and struggle yet even more, that instead of coming up to the surface, we are sinking further down by the gravity of a self-centered image. Our desires to come a step closer to perfection armored with the illusion of knowledge, becomes the Tower of Babylon that separates us from our Heavenly Father. [Knowledge (of good + evil)... wasn't that the offer that caused the downfall of the entire human race?] We fail to come to Him first, and sadly enough, almost most of the time. How could we forget?

The beauty about life is there's room for learning and growing every day when you choose to accept the two. When that doesn't work for you, it works for many others - most of the time, unconsciously.

If everything else seems ugly in life, try think about that. It's our daily gift from above.

0 left footprints: