Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello, Sunday!

For the eyes that saw, for the voice that spoke, and for the heart that went against what shouldn't be... all these should come to pass, to be blown away with the wind... only fragments of what has gone, will continue to linger in moments... where... you want to remember, and relive what made you feel... alive. Cradle me... for my tomorrows.***

On a day such as this, where the sun is pretty much holding up the weather, there's quite a lot to look forward to. You know, this is very true, even if you haven't had your breakfast just yet. Whether you deliberately delayed your first meal of the day, or things came in your way that gave you a reason to still have an empty stomach nearing midday, well, you have munching sessions to meet up with to redeem yourself, hoping that you won't be struck down by the possibility of gastric cramps. Only after having done this - filling up that stomach which has already begun to dutifully chew on its insides because of the void - then only, you can seriously consider putting on that "look forward to" attitude to the promising day. 

Now, what I'm about to do shortly is, finish typing this up, leave the virtual contents of this screen as it is, head to the kitchen, and save myself from unnecessary torture. 

I am going to eat. It is a sin to overeat, and... it spells the same for not eating at all. 

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