Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Day in March

I bet you've never seen a (dwarf) hamster yawn before. I did, and it was just today that I've seen one while I was eating something for lunch. Ha! I turned my head just at about the right time. Hmm.. it's one of the cutest action I've ever seen. 

Image - still crispy clear in my head. 

It's raining, just like it has been for the past two days at around this time. Wish the weather was a little better since I'll be on the road not too long from now. A two to three hours' drive. No, it won't be my hands on those steering wheels. I can buy myself some sleep at the passenger's seat - I guess that will do me good. If not the sleep, I'll find something to talk about with the others.

Rain's getting harder. Wonder how the weather will be where we're intending to go. 

Indeed, showers of abundant blessings.

0 left footprints: