Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Does the Outside Really Matter?

Meow-ish Greetings To One And All!

Please forgive the flash spot in the center.

I find the cover look of R.D.'s October Issue to be quite charming. I guess what makes me think so is because of the meow-ish wink and beckoning (or whatever motion you would describe that as). You know the funny thing is that sometimes I'm attracted to a book/magazine because of its cover (does not apply always).

Cover first, content second.

Some of the other details that I look into is the font type, font size and page layout. You call that picky? Choosy? Fastidious? Meticulous? Up to you lah.

Anyway, I haven't finished reading through my October's issue yet. I didn't subscribe to it just to later abandon it somewhere in the house. So yes.. I shall start digging into it sometime this week.

2 left footprints:

Deanna Beryl said...

I love cover books!

My sentiments exactly - cover first, content second. It's like me listening to music. What attracts me about a particular song would be the music first, then its lyrics.

Lorena said...

Ahh.. yes. "Music first, then its lyrics." I like that :)