Monday, November 17, 2008

Let It Twirl Away!

[This is a 2nd and a final draft. 1st drafts are meant to be fixed. Always. Yes, as bizarre as it may seem, there is such a thing for me even when it comes to blogging. The content, let me shamelessly stress, has not diverted in any minimal way from the intended truth. If you have read the original post, there is no need to read further on.]

I was browsing through some images of none other than the famous "hula hooping" moments ago. Well, it's not so famous here over my part of the world.

See, I remembered trying hooping, once or twice - or a little more than that, before. That (if only once) or those (for the more than twice) hula-hooping moment(s) stretches way back (don't go so back) into those childhood days. Ahh.. the joys of being a kid.

Never had one though. Never asked for one. So I never got the chance to perfect the point one percent (as in 0.1%) skill that I had only begun to kindle in me at that point of time in my life. Such a saddening truth.

I reasoned that why I was never able to let it successfully rotate around my figure was either because my body was too small (yeah, I was a tiny skinny kid), or the hoop was simply too big (in diameter wise) for me. Or maybe, let's just nail down the slap-to-your-face fact... "I Just Couldn't Hula Hoop." There.

Tell me, tell me.. who happens to own one of them hula hoops? Who knows, you know, now I can somehow perform a magical twirl. No harm to dream, right? Now, I'm hoping for one nod at least.

Enough with all the babbling now. The image on the net that captured my interest the most (and I mean a fabulous eye-catching piece of art) has got to be this:

Bless the photographer who captured this shot. Mr~Miss photographer's just damn lucky to snap the shot at the exact moment.

And bless the girl who has the knack for hooping.

Now, remember earlier on I brought up the small body issue?

Take a look at this.

Ha. So much for claiming that I had a body too small. Pui!

Therefore, the lesson for the day goes, "Ask and it shall be given".

I should have applied that a long time ago.

Side note: Yay! It's my 7th post.

2 left footprints:

Unknown said...

Yays! I'm just too embarrassed to try hula-hooping in front of all my kids! I'm already all left feet and clumsy pottering around as it is.

Check this out though:
My kids Hoopin
The More the Merrier
As if the last one wasn't enough

Lorena said...

Wow! Cool kids! Makes me feel all aged seeing that girl hooping with more than 2 hoops!!

Shizz, why not buy one for yourself? Then maybe, if I'm lucky enough, I can try hooping with your hoop..hehehehehe. If you regret buying it, just give it to one of your kids =P