Sunday, February 8, 2009


Live as long as you may, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life.

Robert Southey

A quote I got from my "Quote Catch" to the right column of this blog (after today the quote may have changed already). I'd like to change a bit of those words though and read them this way, "Live as long as you may, the first thirty years are the longest half of your life."

I've wasted away too many opportunities along the way, and to think that I've let them pass makes me feel a tinge (or more) of regret. I still have about 7 years before hitting digit 3 in the front.

I'd like my first 30 to really come to life by then.

If today were my last day of breath to live, and I could somehow have that knowledge that I have died, my spirited presence would look down on my soulless flesh of being and say, "I died too young... very much unseasoned to many more."

I belong to the year of the Ox. And just like the fireworks that come to life during the nights for two weeks now, I'd like to be bursting out with a joy of celebration - as much as I can.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To work.
To health.
To experiences.
To fellowship.
And to friendship.

To the little talents and skills.
And to many more unmentioned.

Here's a toast...

to life and beyond.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's a Sunday morning. It didn't rain. It might later.

But here's the thing...

I think I have a lot to look forward to.

2 left footprints:

daronloo said...

tina let's do something outrageous in thailand next year!!! sementara we are still in our twenties!!!

Lorena said...

come lah daron!! ooohhh.. can't wait for next year!! it's all about being in the twenties =D