Saturday, March 7, 2009

Do You Think You Can?

Finally got the chance to bomb down some words here today. Am using wireless connection over at a friend's place at the moment.

The bits of happenings hollering here:

I) past school week was rated below my ordinary so-so
II) prayer revival meetings going on (started yesterday night)
III) longer weekend 'cause Monday's a public holiday

Now, in response to the title of this post, here's a thing or two I'd like to throw out.

Imagine yourself without these:

No television, no internet, no radio, no talks (as in the gossip talks and anything else related to such).. none of that/those "worldly influences". Does the use of handphones count??

You think you can resist? Can you refrain yourself from any of those above?

Time frame: 10 days only

Now.. can you?

We carry the name "Christian" (for those of you who are). But how "Christian" are we?

Just something I've been keeping in mind since last night..after or sometime during the revival meeting. People.. I do listen sometimes, okay.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Or maybe in the first place, the spirit was never willing enough.


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