Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Countdown In Mid July

Did I see you today? In a position half knelt in midair? Tell me it was. Because if it was a mirage of you, I'd like to whisper... It seemed so real.

Hoorah!! Friday's near and that's what my countdown's all about. No, it's not that there's any big special event anywhere near the corner. I'm not even thinking of rushing time. It's just this... the sound of Friday sounds like notes played brilliantly in the major keys. Waaa!! Suddenly there's this burst of j o y inside me. It's swelling like a red ripe tomato.

The little mouths that never cease to stop talking earlier, now, doesn't really matter anymore. I've decided, I'm not going to hold a grudge. I'm to lose. Not them.

Right now, I'm going to make way for this three-letter-word. Find it. It's easy to spot.

Go now, you bubbly little letters - of a vowel and the consonants to escort. You make the perfect trio.

Go... be free! Paint this floor of mine... red.

0 left footprints: