Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tic Tac Toe

Come. Let's play a game of the Triple T. If I lose, I will walk today's road without a single word of complaint. I will not even let the word land a toe at the portal of my mind. If I win, allow me to unleash what's hidden beneath the skin. I'll let out a holler even if I were smaller than everyone else. I'll be a magnet, so all the energy floating around me bows to the one standing, that all my demands and commands, may bring to life those wants and wishes. All this talk may sound oh so selfish. A child may put it, "You bossy boots!" And adding to that, I'll put, "You puss-in-boots!" Hanging on the white bare wall, a self-centered me is portrayed. But let me lay this out - I want to listen to me speaking. Not the inner me or the inner voice as some might say because today, I believe it is only the me, that you see, that is letting these words tumble out.

I want this, I say. I want that, I know.

After gaining them all, will my jug be full? Or will I still feel so empty after such a long walk?

You, who's typing this... It's just a game of tic tac toe.
Nothing more.

Bringing in the ads!

Ah! You! Prepare to taste defeat! Meow-aha!

2 left footprints:

daronloo said...

meow! bring out the cat in you! it's always a pleasure reading your posts!

yep sometimes you'll just need to save the complaints for something else worth complaining about... not that i know what you're going through each day... then again, there's no point sighing over same sheet on a daily basis... :D miss ya tina!

Lorena said...

hey! hey! hi again!

eh, you know what? i went down to town today and guess what? i saw a cat lying on the floor at the entrance of one of those wooden shops. not as healthy and lively looking as the animated puss in boots. neglected and abandoned it seems. got a wound still healing on its neck. pity it. but not pity enough to bring back home and nurse it to health.

anyway, miss having you around too, daron! we here shall wait for his diva-ness to arrive! :D