Friday, September 11, 2009

bah... how la dis, geng?

First time on a Friday after such a long time... more consistent, please? ***Okay then, same to you too.

Living up to people's expectations is the big thing that's tightening all my nerves at this point. I am hating this, and I can't guarantee that my words will flow and be sweet like honey. Last year, I said, no more. And this year, I've been pushed to do it yet again - just like that. I know it was my fault for not being there to defend my name from the proposal. And for that, I greatly regret it. Anyway, that one month advanced notice about this is not what I want. I said, no, didn't I?

I just can't see the blessing or beauty in disguise behind all this. Maybe there's one, maybe there's none.

Since I've got no choice, I just want to get over it.

Hopefully, I'll have some thanks to offer after that.

3 left footprints:

Jules said...

I'm pretty sure many thanks will go your way after tonight! :D

tak pa tins, nanti kita pigi makan2! hehehe! :D

Lola said...

hey, you did well what...even your uncle nelton (hehehe!) praised (i mean to us at home) you for your effort and 'not shy anymore'.

Lorena said...

julie: mari la we go makan-makan.. masih menunggu masanya dis.. ehehehehe :P

lola: aih.. still shy shy cat bh dis.. it all has to do with 'training' in the classroom :P