Friday, September 18, 2009

Hey you... little thing. Mmmuah!!!

I'm missing it already - my newest pet. Well, it's not like I've got any other(s) with me right now. If you're wondering where the mice all went, well, they've moved elsewhere - some many kilometers away from me. For your info, their number is reduced to a remaining three. I wonder which one will be the last one standing.

Anyway, I've upgraded my pet. Why I say that? 'Cause it's a little bigger in size, and maybe even cuter.

Here it is - the box that it was in hours earlier. No worries, it's not suffocated in there. Any guesses? Mouse, bird, or what? You can cross the first one out of course.

See, I told you. You know, it didn't even complain for being confined to a smaller space - gives me all the reason to love it more.

Ugh. I didn't want this pic to end up in this angle - something to do with the uploading process of the image. Anyway... from being unoccupied (except for the bottles and the other mini accessories), at about midday, it was all set up to be re-occupied once more. Yes, I am flashing my set of teeth right now. Ka ching ah boo!!

Now, there you go. Don't be fooled by what you see. The true color of that thing is suppose to be white-grayish with a streak of black fur running down along the center of its back (dark grey??) - not brownish like mother earth.

Here's to a closer view of it. You, sleepy head.

~ ~ ~

Now, all I have to do with it is train it to get used to my touch, which is, the scary part. It bit me twice today. After buying you, how dare you do that to me!!

It's name, by the way, is Cleo. So what if it's a male bearing a female name? I've come across the name, Nicky, and I've known a girl and a boy with that name. Sure it seemed awkward to me at first because I first known the girl with that name, and so knowing the boy with that name much much later made me think, "Hey, that's a girl's name."

Well, I got used to it. Okay, I'm gonna shut up already.

Coming home to you, Cleo!

3 left footprints:

Deanna Beryl said...

HI CLEO!!!! *waves repetitiously*

daronloo said...

sungguh comel lah!

Lorena said...

dee: LOL!!! :D

daron: its comelness la my hiburan dari masa ke semasa :P