Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So You Changed ~ ~ ~

It's about time that the school's got a new coat of paint. It's nice, but maybe in some sort of strange way, I miss the old paint. The change happened overnight - call that, overtime. Yesterday, students saw those walls all white and bare. This morning, they're greeted with this new shade.

Now I'm regretting that
my mood was for the shades of a single color.

Presenting the different angles of view...

Had I gone a little lower, you'd see the rubbish bin.
So nah, I made sure my hp stayed at this degree.

To those who know this place like a T-shirt, I'm pretty darn sure you know exactly where I'm standing at this point.

One of my students who caught me taking this shot. I'm the teacher. So what if I brought my hp to school?

~ ~ ~

Changes. It's like a gush of the north wind (don't ask me why north and not south) that blew past at midnight and cast a magical transformation.

Don't you slip away...

2 left footprints:

daronloo said...

they took only one night to paint the walls? wow!!!!

Lorena said...

well... not exactly all the sections... just the part where i took snaps of... ;)