Sunday, September 6, 2009

What a Sunday.

Like some (or perhaps most) of my Sunday's, today was quite unproductive. Little was accomplished, and I hate the fact that I overslept. Sleeping late is never a good option because you either end up waking up early and losing the needed amount of rest, or sleeping way into the morning like what I did. Waking up somewhere within the time frame of 8 in the morning is already bad enough (plus stealing more sleep later after midday - blame it on the heat of the weather). Feeling like such a pig that weighs half a tonne. Might as well gotten myself drunk last night (I was just saying... not that I would have).

Waste tart. That just popped into my mind. Not sure whether I came across that combo, or heard of it before, or whether it's a genesis of a new expression that makes sense only to me. I would, very much, like to enter that into the dictionary of idioms and phrases. Apa-pa ja lah. In English, that simply means, 'whatever'.


Want to know the look of the T-shirt I'm wearing now? It's an S size but slightly baggy, of which, I don't mind one bit. These days, the baggy T's among girls are being mostly replaced with those tight-fitting T's or tops. Oh well... look who's talking.

The revelation...

If you managed to read the words, know that I'd want to have your eye sights. If not, I've got a close-up.

Hmm... not that I want to be that critical, but I think an apostrophe should be placed somewhere. Anyway, I'm loving the design, and 'course, the significance in meaning of the printed words. Ha. So much for the mood that I'm caught up in at the moment.

~ ~ ~

The ground's wet outside from the downpour many minutes ago. But here, inside, of this body, I'm feeling so dry.

The image I might consider putting up as my profile picture in my FB. If it looks gross, well try not eating for a week. See if that opinion still stays after that.

What flavor would you like to describe your day?

Haih... kasi sweet + sour fish la. Malas mau pikir.
[*Sigh*... make it sweet + sour fish. Lazy to think.]

4 left footprints:

Hobbit Wife said...

Nice oh the shirt. I like! :)

Lorena said...


daronloo said...

don't we adore unproductive + lazy sundays :)

Lorena said...

lol! thanks for putting a 'vibrant twist' to this post :)